Monday, September 20, 2010

Disney or BUST

We do not have any plans to go to Disney world yet....but maybe we should.  Tonight, Cheng-Yu just rolled through the house looking like this.  He was all decked out in MY mouse ears that he apparently found in the closet and was rolling a suitcase from another closet.  I think he is trying to tell us something.

1 comment:

  1. YES HE IS! HE IS SAYING "HI MOMMY, I REALLY WANT TO GO TO DISNEY WITH AUNT MEL AND AUNT MEL!"...seriously, that's what he is saying.
    So good to see the Blog back up. I cannot express how comforting it was, and still is, to be a part of your "family" at night when the house is quiet and I get that lonely blah happening thing going on. Hugs girl.
