Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ben's First St. Patrick's Day

For Ben's first St. Patrick's Day, we went to Coolidge Park with Aunt Mel, Cousins Madeline & Tori Bug and Leigh Ann met us there too.  The weather was gorgeous and it was a perfect day.  I think it was the first day that my sister and I have had a mommy's day out together!  It really was special and I praise God for the opportunity to share time with her and the girls.

For our evening, we had Irish guests, The Freemans, over for pizza.  It was a grand occasion.  They brought Irish cupcakes from the Bi-Lo.  Amazing cupcakes that according to the label, won't expire until early May...interesting!  I don't think they were really authentic Irish cupcakes!


1 comment:

  1. Robin, you crack me up! I love the whole "Irish Guests" part. I laughed outloud and couldn't quit thinking about it while I read your newer blogs. I love that bottom picture of Jackson raising his hands. It's like you're asking "which one of you two is the Irish kid?" The look on his face is priceless! "ME, ME, I'm the Irish kid!"
